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The December Doldrums: The Perfect Time for News


The end of the year can be both hectic and lazy. One the one hand, you’re trying to close out the year strong – close deals, budget for next year, set things up for a successful year ahead. On the other hand, the endless stream of holiday parties and anticipation of some time off makes it easy to check out a bit.

As a result, many companies ignore their news and thought-leadership programs at this time of year, expecting they can start strong again in January, “when everyone is back at their desks.”

What a missed opportunity!

Make News This December

December is the best time to make news

December is actually my favorite time to make a big announcement. Why? For the very same reasons that many people choose not to – people are at their desks, but they’re not working that hard. That means they’re spending more time surfing the web or on social media. They’re going down the rabbit hole and learning more about the topics, people, and companies that interest them.

Just as importantly, reporters are looking for a ready-made story. They still have to churn out articles, but they’re tired and distracted by the holidays, too. The newsmakers that bring them a full package – news, interviews, photos, and great quotes – are going to be the ones they choose to cover.

So if you’ve signed a big new customer that positions you in a new market; have a big corporate initiative you plan to launch in Q1 or Q2; or another piece of news that you think warrants a lot of attention, consider making that announcement in early to mid-December.

Build your profile with your opinions

December is also a great time to build your own thought leadership profile by taking a look back at the year – and looking ahead to what’s to come. Reach out to industry publications and offer to contribute a column on your predictions for the coming year. Write a blog post where each member of your team offers a perspective on the coolest developments of the past year. Or find another way to develop content that leverages this time of introspection and forward planning to showcase your team’s leadership. Then promote the heck out of it.

Step into the void

Remember, the news, along with everything else, slows down at the end of the year. This December, take the time to develop content that works for your brand - and make sure to include a call to action. With less content coming across people’s desks this time of year, you’ve got a real opportunity to capture attention and engage new leads as you head into the new year.

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